● Demands made in the lawsuit (compiled by lead lawyer Shinsuke Tani)

The plaintiff's demands (based on differences in work conditions between her and the regular employees) are as follows

     Differentials in wages and bonus

The plaintiffs' annual income was one-third that of regular secretaries, and one-half that of newly hired regular staff members.


     Number of days yearly paid leave

Regular employees' paid leave exceeded the legal minimum, but arbaito employees had only the legal minimum.


     Special summertime paid leave time

In addition to the standard allotment of paid leave, regular employees had five paid days summertime leave, but arbaito employees had none.


④ Both regular employees and arbaito employees have year-end and beginning-of-year leave time, but regular employees receive their usual wages while taking those days off, while arbaito employees incur reductions in pay

 (since they are on a separate hourly wage systems).


⑤  Rules on leave and paid leave for sickness or accidents outside work.

When regular employees take time off because of sickness or accident, they receive full pay for up to six months of leave, and 20% of their pay for time off exceeding six months. In contrast, leave for sickness or accident for arbaito employees is treated as simple absence from work, and since there are no rules for leaves of absence, there is no paid leave. Moreover, since the Private Schools Mutual Aid program reimburses 20% of pay, arbaito employees are forced to quit the program if they are ill.


     Rules for reimbursement for medical costs

When undergoing treatment at Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University's hospital, regular employees are reimbursed for costs incurred, but arbaito employees are not.



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